daytime traffic meaning in English
- 1 noise : the greatest volume of noise normally occurs on straight sections when trains pass at their highest speed . whereas noise from mrt trains is masked by the background noise of heavy daytime traffic , at nighttime the level of noise is significantly more obvious
( 1 )噪音部分:捷运直线高速行驶路段之噪音最高,因日间交通量大,道路交通噪音亦大,故捷运音量较不明显,于夜间捷运车辆行驶之噪音则较明显。 - 1 noise : the greatest volume of noise normally occurs on straight sections when trains pass at their highest speed . whereas noise from mrt trains is masked by the background noise of heavy daytime traffic , at nighttime the level of noise is significantly more obvious . on curved sections and cornered sections and on sections close to stations , the impact of noise on the neighborhood is much lower